
M.Tech Admissions 2009 - GNE, Ludhiana

LUDHIANA – 141 006
NBA (AICTE) Accredited, Oldest Institution of Punjab
Phone No. 0161 – 2490339,
Fax No. 0161 – 2502240


All Programs are AICTE approved

Full Time (2 Years)

1. Computer Science & Engg.
2. Structural Engg.
3. Geo-Tech. Engg.
4. Industrial Engg.
5. Production Engg.*
6. Power Engg.
7. Environmental Sci. & Engg.
8. Electronics & Comm. Engg.

Part Time (3.5 Years)

1. Electrical Engg.
2. Electronics and Comm. Engg.
3. Industrial Engg.
4. Production Engg.
5. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engg.

*Gate Scholarship for M.Tech. (Prod.) subject to availability from AICTE, New Delhi

Eligibility Criteria:

Production Engineering
B.E. / B.Tech. in Mechanical; Production; Industrial; Manufacturing; Welding; Material Science; Metallurgy Engineering etc.

Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. / B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication / Electronics and Instrumentation / Applied Electronics / Instrumentation and Control / Electrical and Electronics / M.Sc. in Physics (with specialisation in Electronics)

Electrical Engineering / Power Engineering
B.E. / B.Tech. in Electrical / Electrical and Electronics / Electronics and Instrumentation / Applied Electronics / Instrumentation and Control

Industrial Engineering
B.E. / B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering

Geo-Technical Engineering / Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering / Structural Engineering
B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering
B.E. / B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering or Information Technology

Environmental Science & Engineering B.E. / B.Tech. in any Engg. discipline / M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Chemistry or Micro-biology

Associate Membership of the Institution of Engineers (India) candidates must possess :-

1. AMIE with at least 55% marks in aggregate after passing 3 years Diploma in appropriate aforesaid branch of Engineering.

2. At least 5 years research or professional experience after passing Diploma.

(i) The eligibility criteria for Full Time M.Tech. is atleast 55% marks in B.Tech. from PTU or its equivalent. For Part Time M.Tech., the candidate must possess two years professional experience along with sponsorship by the employer in addition to 55% marks in B.Tech. or its equivalent.

(ii) Interested candidates are required to apply on prescribed Forms to Principal Guru Nanak Dev Engineering college, Ludhiana latest by 22.07.2009 . Application Forms can be purchased from College itself @ Rs. 500/- at counter and Rs. 550/- by post. Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- must be attached with downloaded application forms in favour of Nanakana Sahib Education Trust, Ludhiana

Note :-

1. Date and venue of counselling is 27.07.2009 at 9.30 A.M. at Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College,
2. No separate letter for the counselling will be issued.
3. Candidates must mark their attendance at 9.00 A.M. sharp.
4. Candidates are required to bring their academic testimonials starting from Matric, 10+2, B.Tech. Degree in ORIGINAL along with their attested photocopies, including Detailed Marks Cards of all Semesters, failing which the candidate shall not be entertained for counselling.
5. Merit List will be based on the average of all Semesters.
6. Admission shall be granted subject to the spot payment of Fees only. Fee will be refunded as per AICTE / PTU Norms.
7. Teaching assistantships shall be offered to deserving full time students on need basis.

Click here to download application form

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