
IIT JEE 2011 - Detailed Entrance Exam Notification of Joint Entrance Examination

Joint Entrance Examination 2011 (JEE 2011)

For Admission to Undergraduate Programmes at Indian Institutes of Technology

Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Mandi, Patna, Rajasthan, Roorkee, Ropar, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad

Date of Entrance:
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paper 1: 09:00 to 12:00 hrs

Paper 2: 14:00 to 17:00 hrs

The applicant is advised to check all the eligibility conditions given below for appearing in JEE 2011

Date of Birth: Candidates belonging to GE and OBC must be born on or after October 01, 1986 and those belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must be born on or after October 01, 1981

Year of Passing Qualifying Examination (QE):
A candidate must have passed in the qualifying examination, namely, XII standard or any equivalent examination, for the first time on or after October 01, 2009 or will be appearing in 2011

Minimum Percentage and Marks in QE
: Candidates belonging to GE and OBC categories must secure at least 60% marks and SC, ST and PD candidates must secure at least 55% , marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination

Important Note:

(1) A candidate can attempt JEE only twice in consecutive years. That means one should have attempted JEE for the first time in 2010 or will be appearing in 2011

If any candidate has accepted admission after qualifying in JEE in earlier yeas by paying registration fee at any of the IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad, he/she will not be eligible to write JEE at all, irrespective of whether the candidate joined or not in any of the programmes

Application Procedure:

A candidate can submit application either On line through internet or Off line through prescribed (OMR) application form

(A) Online: For online submission of applications, visit any of the websites given below and carefully follow the instructions given theirin. Candidates can pay the application fee through NEFT or through challan of selected banks. The application fee for online mode is Rs. 450/- for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates and Rs. 900/- for all other candidates.

(B) Off line:
A candidate can buy an application form with information brochure from any one of the designated branches of banks by paying Rs. 500 for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates (light Yellow envelope) or Rs. 1000/- for all other candidates (White envelope). The information brochure contains details regarding application procedure syllabus, examination cities, courses available at various institutes, fee structure and additional information about JEE 2011

Important Dates:

Online application process: Monday, November 01 to Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sale of Off line application forms: Friday, November 12 to Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last date for receiving application forms (Off line or printed copy of Online) at IITs: 17:00 hrs, Monday, December 20, 2010

You can get all details online application form, Bank details and all other details about IIT JEE 2011 from the following Institutes websites

IIT Bombay:
IIT Delhi:
IIT Guwahati:
IIT Kanpur:
IIT Kharagpur:
IIT Madras:
IIT Roorkee:

Or Get all details from here

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